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3yr old with asthma stays sick a lot!!

My 3 yr. old has asthma and takes pulmicort and singulair daily. He's been hospitalized twice with the flu one time and RSV/pnuemonia another. He got out of the hospital the last time about a month ago and about a week after that  we had to take him back in because he acted worse and the pediatrician said he had a viral infection. He got over that and two times since he's gotten sick (didn't take him to the doctor because he had the same symptoms and they won't do anything for viral infections anyway) I'm a little concerned even though I know when an asthmatic child gets sick it affects them a lot worse than healthy children but why is he catching something every other week. At night he gets worse spiking fevers of 103.5 or so, coughing a ton, vomiting from the cough and so on. Not getting much sleep at all. I read where pulmicort can lower the immune system so I wonder if that's part of it. I would just like an outsiders view on this. Should having asthma really cause him to stay this sick?? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Yeah, I think it does, my son was sick all the time.  I say was because he's not sick right now, but he when he does get sick it tends to linger longer than normal.  My guess is that your son just hasn't had enough time to recouperate from each sickness.  Could your son be allergic to anything as well?  That was triggering a lot of things for my son (which would in turn trigger his asthma - it was a nasty cycle).  We figured out his allergies (dust, cats - big one, and other small stuff); got rid of stuffed animals, won't let him near cats.  That got him to stop getting all congested, which caused him colds, which set off his asthma.  

It's not perfect, but it's definitely maintainable now.  We were going to the hospital a lot too.  He still does pulmicort and albuteral.  Oh, he had his tonsils and adnoids out too, that helped with his breathing.  I would suggest getting him tested for allergies - that could be triggering the cold symptons.  
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Hi all,

I am 24-year-old and I have asthma since I was 2 years old!

Exactly as you describe, I was in and out of hospital every month - colds and flu which made my asthma even worse.

No one belived I would survie, even my parents.

Gradually as I got older my immune system strengthen and I don't get  the flu or even a cold even when there is an epedemic and everyone around me is sick.

Take care of your son, take him to the doc regualrly, do as they say and WAIT....

until he grows out of it.

My mom was very sad about me when I was a kid, but I managed to outgrow this terrible disease and she now has a healthy 24-year old

I recently graduated from  university, I can work out and do everything I want!

I know its hard to believe but its ******* ture and I think if kids survives those nasty periods when they are so fragile and get sick often that means they will be healthy later in life kuz their immune system would have been through so much.

Good luck.

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My 18-month-old is having similar problems.  He has been hospitalized 4 times already.  Once for pneumonia, once for rhino-virus and twice for asthma.  Typically anytime he has a cold of some sort, we are spending 3-4 days in the hospital.  This past month, he spent at most 4 days breathing like a normal child.  He is on 3 different meds daily, one that is singulair (suppose to be for kids 2 and older) and nothing works.  I am starting to think it's not asthma.  He is getting tested for allergies tomorrow.  Because of his young age, he wont be able to get all the testing done.  We switched to force air gas and had a hepa filter installed.  We find that having good air in the home, makes a BIG difference!  If you purchase a hepa filter, the Ontario government gives you about 1/2 the money back at your income tax, if your child has asthma or allergies.  It is a good investment!
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My son has this same problem, and can't no one give me any answers where I'm from!!!
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I've had a lot of similar experiences as well. When I was younger I was in the hospital a heck of a lot because of normal colds gone bad. I had the tubes, severe allergies, and of course all of the medicine.

One thing I found that really works for me when I'm always sick, which you might already have, are air purifiers. I keep one purifier and one ionizer in my room running at all times. Also the room is shut off from everything else in the house. I know it's pretty unrealistic to keep a three year old boy stuck in one area, but even if it's a family room, or any room that can be relatively sealed off it might help.

With my asthma once I get sick every little thing makes it worse. My lungs simply don't have the time to adjust or heal. So by kind of living in a bubble it gives my chest a break. Even if it's only at night when I'm sleeping the clean air help tons.

Also some over the counter teas with lung support do give some temporary relief. And some herbal immune boosters like Echinacea seem to have helped get me out of that rut. I know a lot of people are against herbal supplements, but they are always worth a shot. The worst case scenario is that nothing happens.

Any way, I hope your son feels better soon!
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at least you got some answers.  We actually went to an allergist who did a 16needle test (sounds worse than it is).  Most of the results were immediate - if bumps appeared he was allergic to that item.  

Good Luck!!
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Actually when we went to the doctor after I posted my question he got diagnosed with asthmatic bronchitis and he had two ear infections. While we were there he did an allergy test on him which will take about two weeks to get back. Sounds like our stories are very similar. His pediatrician mentioned he might have to get tubes put in as well. I am looking so forward to summer time where all of this will lessen. Thanks
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