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Allergies or more, in my 2 1/2 yr old?

I need help, advice, anything please...
My daughter will be 3 in August.  Since she was 2 months old, she has had a chronic runny nose - coughing - expulsion of phlem.  In MD, we were told that babies do NOT have allergies but they had no advice.  Many rounds of antibiotics ruled out infections and helped get rid of infections that severe bouts of her runny nose caused.  We moved from MD to Denver at her 1 yr birthday - we have seen improvement.  Finally had an allergy test - she was allergic to cats.  Removed furniture, carpet, etc. to help get rid of allergens in our house.  She goes through severe bouts for ~4 days at a time.  Nobody knows anything...they say we can't test her until 3 yrs old.  Benadryl isn't working as well, other meds don't work.  Any other ideas?  We are open.  Please.  Thanks, Tonya
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I hope she doesn't have asthma but please check with your allergist. I found it the hard way that there are different types of asthma. I kept coughing & thought it was all because of allergies turned out that I also have cough variant asthma( kept coughing and  have a clear phlegm). The inhaler help me a lot

Take care.
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Sorry for what your little girl is going through. I have severe allergies and even asthma since I was a baby. My mom probably went throught what you are going through. At an early age of two I'm already suffereing from asthma.I'm 38 years old and up to these days I still have runny nose all year round and post nasal drip since I'm allergic to almost all grasses, trees, dust mite and on top of that I'm also suffering from food allergies.  I didn't find any relief on shots but anti-histamines help every now and then. I keep coughing also mostly due to post nasal drip. It also turned out that I got my asthma back (which I thougth I outgrew at the age of 7) but a different type- COUGH VARIANT ASTHMA, one without wheezing.
Yes a good allergist may help. You & your lil one take care.
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I am so sorry for your daughter. I was tested at 1 years old for allergies. Removing the carpet could help. I think its allergies. I would try some Hydroxyzine Its a antihistamine but a stronger one than benadryl. I would get a referral for a allergist in your area and go and see what he says.
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Oh yeah - we also removed the cat and found her a new home.  So we have tried to eliminate the possibilities that we can think of.  We just need a way to control that nose.  Thanks.
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