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Any one else allergic to budesonide?

I've recently been diagnosed with asthma and was prescribed ventolin and budesonide inhalers. After a few days of suffering side effects and getting much worse I went back to the doctor and he confirmed that I am allergic to budesonide, which he said is quite unusual. He prescribed me atrovent but from what I understand it is usually a substitute for ventolin not steroids. He directed me to take both atrovent and ventolin 2 times a day for a month but I don't really have a long term treatment plan. The doctor seemed a bit stumped as to what else to do. I am suffering from some symptoms almost all the time and regularly have fairly bad attacts. I am very glad to have the ventolin but I'm hoping to find long term treatment for the underlying problem. Has anyone else had similar problems? Any suggestions?
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746512 tn?1388807580
Side effects and allergies to drugs would be very different.  Side effects could improve over time or with improved inhaler techniques.  Allergies would stop you from using the medication completely.  

Allergies to medications should be limitated to certain drugs or ones that work very similarly.  There should be other inhaled steroids (same use as budesonide) that you should be able to safely use.  Another possibility is singulair if the asthma is allergy based.  

I would get a different doctor or request a referral to a respiralogist.  Asthma is a combination of muscle spasms (the attacks) and chronic inflammation in the lungs.  Atrovent and ventolin will help greatly with the muscle spasms but due nothing for the inflammation.  You must have a medication to counter the inflammation or your lungs will continue to have issues.

Good luck and hope you feel better.
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Thank you for pointing out the difference between side effects and allergy. To begin with I thought that I was simply suffering side effects that would pass but when it just kept getting worse and the medication was actually giving me bad attacks I realized there was more going on and went back to the doctor. From the symptoms the doctor thinks that it is actually an allergy.

From what I can make out most of the steroids normally used for asthma are very similar so if I am allergic to one it is quite likely that I am allergic to others as well but I'm hoping I might be able to find one I am okay with.

Most of my attacks are triggered by chemical allergies (things like perfume and cleaning products). I will ask the doctor about singulair, thanks for the sugestion.
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