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Asthma, Allergies, VCD or LPR ?

44, 5'ft,9in  155lb 'South Asian male, never smoked. Last year started wheezing like symptoms, have allergies. PCP said maybe adult onset asthma. Visited Allergist who did allergy test(skin *****) and chest xray(normal). Allergic to cats, and mites, and ragweed. No food allergies. Family history: mother has asthma. 26 yrs in USA with no issues,  other than seasonal runny nose, etc

Pulmonary study baseline showed FVC, FEV1, FEF25-75% of 87%, 92%, and 110%. Following bronchodilation corresponding values changed by -4%, 4% and 17% which are not diagnostic. Blood worked showed elevated level of eosinophil count ( 739 - normal 15-500 )

My PEF taken at home using microlife meter is 600-660, and FEV1 is between 2.85-3.07. I have one years worth of data. Feel like I have lump in my throat all the time. Constant fatigue. My wheeze does not seem to respond to Albutrol, Symbicort, or Asmenx/Singulair. Had  a nuclear stress test which came out to be normal. Going to see an ENT next week.

Getting tired of this year long fight trying to figure what it is...

Any diagnosticians out there who can make sense of this ?


3 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
GERD may be a component.  I found this out .... allow my symptoms and test results for asthma are very blurry.  A methacholine challenge test may help determine if it is asthma, it tests how reactive your lungs are (unless your me and have a negative methacholine challenge but borderline symptoms and decent response with 2 years of asthma meds).  

I do not get heartburn symptoms, just some nausea that I thought was related to the stress of being in university.  

You should talk to your doctor about other possibilities for the wheezing because none of the asthma meds are helping at all.  The lump in throat could defintely be related to GERD or post nasal drip which can be related.  

Don't expect your lungs to calm down quickly, I finally had my first day of no nausea in no idea how long but today my lungs are pretty bad and tight.  

Good luck and let us know how it goes.
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The ENT suspects Allergies. Ruled out VCD, GERD by looking down my throat after spraying it.
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Thanks for letting us know what the doctor said.

A negative diagnosis of VCD even by scope is not definitive.  Unless you were symptomatic at the time of the scope and the vocal cords spasm while the doctor is watching they really can't give a definitive diagnosis.  There are several videos that demonstrate breathing techniques that you can try while you are experiencing symptoms.  They will not hurt you and might help.

God bless.
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