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Asthma Treatment

Hey any one know what is Long term medications and short term medications for asthma disease? Please kindly help me to know more about Asthma and it symptoms and syndromes.

Thank You.
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746512 tn?1388807580
Short term and long term medication depends on the specific person.  You want to use the lowest dose of medicine for the shortest time possible.  Some people may only need inhaled steriods during flare ups and other are so severe they are on daily predinsone.  

http://www.medhelp.org/medical-information/show/240/Asthma has lots of basic information that you may find helpful.
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People with asthma experience symptoms when the airways tighten, inflame, or fill with mucus. Common symptoms of asthma include:
Coughing, especially at night
Shortness of breath
Chest tightness, pain or pressure.

Still, not every person with asthma has the same symptoms in the same way. You may not have all of these symptoms, or you may have different symptoms at different times. Your asthma symptoms may also vary from one asthma attack to the next, being mild during one asthma attack and severe during another.Some people with asthma may go for extended periods without having any symptoms, interrupted by periodic worsening of their symptoms called asthma attacks. Others might have asthma symptoms every day. In addition, some people with asthma may only have asthma during exercise or asthma with viral infections like colds.Mild asthma attacks are generally more common. Usually, the airways open up within a few minutes to a few hours. Severe attacks are less common but last longer and require immediate medical help. It is important to recognise and treat even mild symptoms to help you prevent severe episodes and keep asthma under better control.
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Asthma attacks are kind of irrational sometimes. When you are a kid and you had an asthma then when you reach the age where your body has gotten rid of that sickness then surely until you grow old Asthma won't be a bother while if that Asthma sickness struck you when you are at the age of 17 and above then say hello to long term medications.
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I have been cured of asthma using a herbal supplement Amlaki. I had been using asthalin spray for years atleast 2-3 times every night and i was alarmed after reading about its side effects. My ayurvedic doctor recommended amlaki and I havent used asthalin for months now. This ayurvedic herb has amazed me.
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