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Problems Breathing

I’ve been having trouble breathing for the past two or three week, and in the last couple days it has just gotten worse. I feel the need to cough up phlegm, but my respiratory tract is dry and nothing comes up. It feels like there is a weigh on my chest, and I struggle to inhale. My chest and back sometimes hurt and I feel palpitations. I occasionally get lightheaded and have also been extremely thirsty in the past couple of days. I do have asthma and allergies, but none of the allergy medicine I have taken has helped much. Also, I’ve have cold spells, usually after eating lunch, that makes it worse. Is it just my asthma? Or is it something else? And should I be concerned? Is there anything I can take to relieve my symptoms?
4 Responses
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1663430 tn?1306162863
Sounds a little like Gerd symptoms. Have you seen a doctor for this?
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1663430 tn?1306162863
what r u taking for your alergies?
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168348 tn?1379357075

Could be "silent asthma" that's driven by inflammation and until albuterol and steroids (if you Doctor thinks this is the case and prescribes them) are used it cannot break up the feeling of the tightness so you can expel it.  But I'm not a Doctor .. but these are my thoughts that come to mind. Three of my children are asthmatics and this is a symptom along with reflux that they get during times of a flare.

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1663430 tn?1306162863
Gerd, in some cases can cause silent asthma. I know you haven't said anything about heart burn and all that but some people seem to look right over the top of that. you could try something to relieve stomach acid and see if that helps any. if it does well there you go. if it doesn't, then i was wrong. simple as that.
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