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Asthma questions

Well I've just been diagnosed with asthma and I have a few questions (my appointment with my pediatrician and pulmonologist isn't for another month).
1 - I am currently taking symbicort and ventolin, and someone told me that if I stop using them (even for just one day), I will have an asthma attack because of my perfume/irritant allergy.  Is this true?
2 - What am I supposed to do if I have an asthma attack?  Atfter I take my ventolin (for emergencies), am I supposed to go to the hospital or just wait for it to get better?  Because in the last two weeks, I have had small asthma attacks every 2-3 days, and about 4 bad ones (ended up in the hospital for the night with the first one, 3 after I just took the ventolin and waited).
3 - What should I avoid? (I know about perfumes [irritants], but what else?)
4 - For the last month, I have had really bad post nasal drip (keeps me up at night), what can help to get rid of it?
5 - A few people told me to get a medical ID bracelet (medicalert) because of the frequent attacks.  Should I really get one?

Sorry for all the questions, lol
Thank you.
8 Responses
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Considering the frequency of asthma attacks you get, you should definitely get medical ID bracelet.. You need not take Ventolin daily. But, currently, you need to continue taking symbicort. Whenever you feel that you are going to get an attack of asthma, start ventolin. You need to stay away from all kinds of allergens like dust, pollution, perfumes etc. Till now, you must have observed that after eating or being in contact with any food or chemical you get an attack of asthma. Please avoid all such materials.
For post nasal drip, you can start tablet azithromycin (1 400 mg tablet once daily for 5 days) and tablet cetrizine (1 tablet after dinner for 1 week).

When you get an attack of asthama, start with ventolin and symbicort. Drink coffee, if you feel like. If you feel that your asthma is aggravating, get hospitalized and get salbutamol nebulization.
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Thank you so much,
Am I really supposed to take ventolin every 4 hours when I have a cold? (I have one right now and it's affecting my breathing - it's been over a week and its not getting any better)
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752406 tn?1233510450
Have you been on an antibiotic?  prednizone?  This is the routine that my doctor goes with and it prevents full blown asthma exacerbations.  Call your doctor right away and let him/her know it is affecting your breathing, k?  Report back how you are doing.  I'm worried!
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I did take prednisone for five days last time I was sick, but I haven't this time.  My mom said that if it wasen't better tomorrow that she would call (since it is not open today).
I will keep in touch for if anything becomes worst.
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168348 tn?1379357075
WELCOME to our Community!  Looks like you've gotten some great advice!

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Thank you, and yes I did ! :)
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168348 tn?1379357075
My daughter wears a Medic Alert tag bracelet because of her life threatening Latex, Plum, Nut and asthma .. they come in pretty colors now and not just red symbol.  Hers is pink.  We feel safe knowing if anything happens the med professionals have her history right with one phonecall.

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Oh really ?
I don't know if I should get one or not..
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