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Asthma triggers

Can drinking alcohol make your asthma worse?  It seems that if I have an alcoholic drink - wine mainly - it makes me cough and short of breath.
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I don 't know if it has anything to do with Asthma, but maybe you are allergic to the alcohol - just a thought.
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I really hope wine doesn't make it worse. I have just been told I may have asthma and been given a "preventer". I did hint to the doctor that I thought I may just have allergies and could red wine be the problem. Thankfully he laughed. Although, I did read in the waiting room that red wine can cause sinus problems.
Over the festive period I noticed that after consuming larger amounts of wine I did feel worse. It could also be dehydration though.
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I am new to this website, so I hope you still check this. YES, wine can definitely cause an asthma attack in a quick second!!!!!! In fact, that's about how I found out I had asthma. I did not develop asthma until I was 25. I am now 36 and it seems to get worse. But I have found that any drinking alcohol increases my attacks. Wine, beer, and others have a lot of preservatives in them. I was told this is what is problaby causing such extreme attacks. I never was a wine drinker, but went on the atkins diet years back...Red wine was allowed, so I drank one glass and started wheezing very heavily. Didn't know it was the wine, until a few years later and tried it again. I was out one night on a date. We were sitting at the bar, after 2 glasses, it got so bad I was rushed to the emergency room. I'm still not sure what it is about wine, as I just choose to stay away from it, but over the years I have found that almost all alcoholic beverages cause me to go into attack. I hope this information was not too bad for you, but may save your life or someone else's. Best wishes to you. I only drink socially and very little, but I always take precautions before I do.
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90270 tn?1199334469
That is good to know risp...I too am just a social drinker, never really paid attention as to whether drinking had anything to do with my asthma flare ups. I will have to keep an eye on that next time I indulge...Thanks! Sunny :)
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144586 tn?1284666164
Wine and beer are the main problems and they can definitely precipate an asthmatic attack. It is due to the chemicals in the processing, particuliarly sulfates. It isn't the alcohol.
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