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RAD (Reactive Airway disease)

Yesterday i got diagnosed with RAD.  I thought i was sick with sinus infection then a cold. Then it came down to me stop breathing multiple times and coughing horribly.  So i made a doctor's appointment and my doctor diagnosed me then just yesterday.  Im worried i wake up because i feel myself stop breathing and choking . Is this something  i have to worry about for my entire life im only 18years old. I need a little bit more information please help.
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746512 tn?1388807580
How are you feeling now?  Has it settled down for you?  I had a very bad cold back in university and had a horrible cough for weeks and the initial RAD diagnosis was changed to asthma after some pulmonary function tests.  Keep using your inhalers and continue to work with your doctor until it stabilizes.  Feel better!
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Is this something that happens to you even when you aren't sick?
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I am on steroids and a inhaler.  No at work im not around chemicals at all. My doctor told me my lungs are not getting enough oxygen like they should be. She gave me a breathing treatment and tested how much Oxygen or air they can hold. And it wasn't good.
I can do the simplest thing and i catch myself out of breath or coughing.
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Rad is a term Drs. used to describe coughing and wheezing that could become asthma. Are you around and chemicles at work or anything at all. they can cause your breathing lessening. Are you on and meds for it?Ask your dr. for a relief inhaler when you get one of those spats of breathlessness it will help.
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