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I need to use a nebulizer were can I go
4 Responses
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11218124 tn?1416289399
You can buy one from the pharmacy or if you cannot afford it, go to the hospital or clinic but you may also be charge for nebulizer use. Decide what's more affordable for you.
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144586 tn?1284666164
In the United States an albuterol nebulizer requires a prescription. Pharmacists will refuse to provide one even if they see you dying on the floor. These should be made non-prescription. Wall-mart has the best prices, but you much purchase in-store.
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7505421 tn?1391430222
My sister has been struggling with chronic asthma, I suggested some natural treatment for her, that really worked.. here's that


Hope, it would help you too!
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144586 tn?1284666164
Both turmeric and boswellia have been used for hundred of years as anti-inflammatories. Unfortunately boswellia has been associated with severe birth defects. Turmeric is a mild anti-coagulent and will affect blood clotting.
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