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I want to ask is there any treatment for Asthma , except prednisone ?
I am scared from these pills because they made my spine damage
I just have finish my pills and  now again having a flareup
my asthma is now again worse
what to do?
11 Responses
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Hi huni2,

I have asthma too. My doctor prescribed two types of inhalers for me.
One of the medications is called Pulmicort. This medication I use
once is the morning and once at night. The other medication is called
Bricanyl Turburhaler. Some people also call it a " puffer" or an
" inhaler". The Bricanyl I am instructed to use as needed, not every day.
I can understand why you are hesitant or scared to take prednisone.
" Low doses taken short term ( by mouth) rarely cause serious side effects."
I am copying this statement from a medical book I own.
" However - long - term treatment with large doses of prednisone can cause
fluid retention, indigestion, diabetes, hypertension and acne."
The common possible side effects are indigestion and acne.
The rare possible side effects are weight gain, muscle weakness,
mood changes/depression.  
My suggestion is to go back to your doctor. Say you don't want to take
prednisone anymore. You could say you want to use an inhaler for
your asthma instead of pills. Ask your doctor if you can take Pulmicort
and Bricanyl. If this doctor refuses to give you a prescription for an
inhaler and keeps saying you should stick with the Prednisone pills.
Find a new doctor who will listen to you. Good luck. Eve
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hi eve,
I have used  pulmicort  in past but It  wasn't any usefull effects except high pulse rate(my pulse was going about 130 to 150 during taking pulmicort) so my doc gave me advair of 250/50 four puffs twice a day, and said if it will not work you have to take prednisone because this is the highest save does of advair ,and my doc is not only one who said this , ihave visited many doctors to avoid these pills but everyone said same thing about my case
I think there is no other treatment except these pills at the last!!!!!!!!!!!!
if there is so anyone please tell me and help me!!!!!!!!
thank you
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1580703 tn?1651904887
I ordered the salt inhaler, one person on a forum said they could go off of inhalers because of salt inhaler
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ok I will try
thank you
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Hi hunl2,

Before you order the salt inhaler, check with your doctor. The salt inhaler
may not be appropriate for you or strong enough. Eve
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1580703 tn?1651904887
can the salt inhaler be bad for asthma?  I'm trying it and inhaling deeply but still can't exhale well...  

anyway with bone damage I would try other alternatives like symbicort, dulera, advair, with singulair, combivent.  at the ER they give combivent for 10 minutes on a nebulizer
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if there will no effect of salt inhaler so there will be no side effect too
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Asthma can become serious very fast. Before you change to a salt
inhaler from what you are using now, do yourself a favour, check with
your doctor. He or she knows you best, knows your medical history.
Just because one person on a forum has success with a salt inhaler,
doesn't mean it is the appropriate choice for you. It is always best to
discuss things with your family doctor. Do not self medicate. Not wise.
Could make your asthma worse. I have asthma. I would never use
a salt inhaler. What you are doing is inhaling salt into your bronchial
tubes. Does the salt accumulate ? I don't know, but your doctor would. Eve
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i have done salt therapies in past , many kinds of therapies like halotherapy , silinetherapy , speleotherapy , they gave me great benefit for asthma , by passing 101 days in a salt cave reduces my asthma that I was feeling that I have new lungs , that was amazing !!!! I told my doctor he was also surprised , and said if you feel better so you should try but this is nat medical treatment , this natural treatmants if you will nat feel better by salt so remember there is no side effects also , like prednisone and slow action steroid drugs have serious side effecte
so you also can try these , you don't have to leave your medication and you don't have to change your medical inhaler to salt inhaler, but at the side you can practice this, it will give you big relief so by itself you would taper off you medicines because there will be no asthma to treat !!!!!!!!
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Dear huni2,
No need to panic. I am having asthma for 25years, still under control. I have been using prednisolone before as you do. But it was SOS. But now I have decided not to touch Predni anymore.
My Physician (General Practitioner but is an expert) is against any steroid. As per his advice I am keeping a Nebulizer machine (very simple device) at home and use it only occasionaly when I feel very bad. You can check with your doctor. But it is absolutely safe.
I am now using only inhaler. Asthma is very much under control. You could be alright soon!
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yes I hope to get well soon
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