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inhaled steriods and voice changes

I tried an inhaled steriod to help control my asthma as my ventolin use had increased daily.  I used this for  only 4 weeeks and it seemed to bring my asthma under control  but the resulting hoarse throat got to the point that I stopped using the steriod.  It has been 5 weeks since I stopped using it but the hoarse throat, raspy voice and the constant feeling of needing to clear my throat persists. My GP has given me a dose of oral  anti-fungals which did not help.

I would have expected after 5 weeks off the steriod (and having been only on it for 4 ?!) these well know side effects would have begun disappearing but they have not.  Now I am off to see throat specialists-what fun.

My questions is does anyone have any experience with my scenario ?  My web searching shows me that the resolution of side effects from inhaled steriods takes "weeks" but this usually refers to long term users (not 4 weeks users ?!!)
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90270 tn?1199334469
Yes!! I was on Advair for a period of time, and it did affect my voice too! Here is a really interesting case study report describing this very thing..I found it interesting

BTW, it took awhile for me to not be hoarse...nearly a few months. Sunny :)
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I too got hoarse from symbicort, a steroidal inhaler which I used for 2 months.  That hoarseness did resolve itself within a couple weeks.  Perhaps you are having reflux (gerd) from one of these meds or food or whathaveyou.  Hopefully a doctor can help you get rid of it!  Good luck!
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check your drug reviews by actual users..
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