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Combination of Allegra D and Zyrtec

Is it safe to take both Allegra-D and Zyrtec. In short, I suffer from allergies. I find that I feel best when I take a single pill of Allegra-D in the morning and a single pill of Zyrtec at night. In part, I have been doing this because I haven't had to go to the doctor (or Canada) to get more Allegra D so I can take it twice a day. I was wondering what the possible side-effects, besides fatigue, are of the regimen I'm taking? I've felt much better since beginning it.
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Both Allegra and Zyrtec are 24 hour medications in my area.  I have known several people who took 3 Zyrtec in one day, and my allergist says that you can't really OD on antihistimines.  You should be sure to drink PLENTY of water and watch for signs of constipation and dehydration.  You should make sure that your dr is well aware of how much of these meds you are taking to make sure that they are ok with any other medications you maybe taking.  If you have other conditions take other meds that cause dehydration, you would be at a higher risk.  So talk to your dr.
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1343146 tn?1279330643
I think it is okay to take 12 hour Allegra in the morning and 12 hour Zyrtec at night, especially if they are helping your symptoms.  As long as you are not taking them together at the same time,  you should be okay.  However if you are concerned, you can call a local pharmacist and ask them. Hope this helps.
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