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Hiatus Hernia or Asthma

  I have been suffering from chronic shortness of breath since 9 years that doesn't respond to asthma medications. I have a hiatus hernial To date I have done numerous PFTs ,xrays and a CT scan.  Xrays and CT scan have always been normal. During the first 7 years all my pfts were normal. All my docs said it was not asthma. Last year ago the doctor asked me to do a Peak Flow and the readings were 60% below normal.  Now I know that PEF and FEV1 don't always correspond, sometimes PEF can show weak with even a normal FEV1. The doctor gave me combination drug with 250/50 steroid/LABA.  The chest sound produced no wheezing. Remember he didn't do a PFT, just a Peak flow test. I thought he was wrong because my chest was not obstructed, but restricted.. in other words I have trouble getting the air in. I had low reserve volume and my obesity(increasing because I'm unable to exercise) may be playing a role in it. Low air in means low air out in my case. But since the doc didn't analyze FEV1/FVC he thought it was an obstruction.

I used asthma drugs anyways and they failed to bring any response. When I exercise I have trouble getting the air in, it feels like my sternum and solar plexus areas are bloating. Could it be due to the hiatus hernia? I'm on omeprazole to help me with the gerd, but it feels like that is doing just for the acidity and not the trapped air thing. Obesity is not primary factor as 9 years ago when it started, I was slim. The symptoms ever seem to get worse.

I have no other problems. No cough. No wheezing. Just shortness of breath that is more and less depeding on weather , food I eat .. and I'm always unable to exercise properly. Docs don't seem to understand so I would be glad to find out where I should go. I have had neurologist to rule out neuromuscular causes such as Myasthena gravis, went to a cardiologist to do and echo and eeg, and GI sees its just a hiatus hernia. Pulmonologist seems to be too busy to care a lot... except ruling out asthma for years, he is such a god-complex that  I don't even want to see him again.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Hi -- so sorry you are going through this.  Have any of the doctors referred to your asthma as "silent asthma" .. asthma with inflammation and no wheeze?  I'm a mom to two children with asthma and both have this type of asthma which doesn't present itself similar to most.  Maybe be worth asking them at your next appt. Let us know!  

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I do think its primarily because of hiatus hernia that you have developed a restrictive pulmonary disorder. Over and above that, your obesity is now becoming a contributory factor. Slowly, you might develop obstructive pulmonary disorder also. Please consult a good pulmonologist.
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Hi Chitchat and Subir,
  Thanks for your concerns. I totally attribute this to negligence of the doctors.  All I can say is , I had to study medicine because the doctors were not doing their jobs. Ironically, unlike other occupation you need a licence to find out what's wrong with you health.

In this internet age, it seems most people can see why medical education is not working which may be a good thing as it  adds more responsibilities for the doctors to think outside of the box (in medical profession too).
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