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Exercise-Induced Asthma?


After I run or do other strenuous exercise, I start wheezing and coughing. I cough "deeply". More than a throat clearing. Is this Exercise-Induced Asthma?

Could it be that this is simply a function of my physical shape? I can run a 6:30 mile, but I don't do it very often.

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168348 tn?1379357075
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942934 tn?1268108382
Sometimes asthma can be very mild. Actually some doctors consider exercise induced asthma to be a mild form of asthma itself. For normal asthma sufferers having problems after exercising is a sign that their asthma is out of control. It is also the last thing to clear up, when the asthma is getting back into control. I do agree that being out of shape can cause breathlessness while exercising. I have always found that running exacerbates my asthma the most as it is the most intense activity you can do to set it off. One thing you can do is try exercising more and see if it clears up. If it is still a problem after a certain time period of conditioning then perhaps it's time to see the doctor. Especially if you experience symptoms after the exercising that persist for some time.
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