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all natural

What is an all natural medicine I can use to help with my sons asthma
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746512 tn?1388807580
There is no direct natural medicine that cures asthma but there are items you can do to help your sons overall health.  Since asthma is an inflammatory condition, anything that helps to lower inflammation should in theory help lowers the symptoms.

Your best chance of actually helping his asthma is to find a registered and well known naturopath - they have six to eight years of university in natural medicine and thus have the knowledge regarding homeopathic and other natural treatments.

Good luck and I hope this helps you, I have had great success with natural medicine in both myself and my pets.  My "asthma" ended up being 100% related to severe food allergies that my naturopath diagnosed.  Thus in a way she did "cure" of my asthma.
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Hello j33y,

Just out of curiosity, how old is your son ? Has your son been diagnosed
with asthma by a doctor ?  As far as I know, there is no natural medicine
to deal with asthma. I have asthma. I wish there was a natural medicine.
I always try and go homeopathic or use a natural medicine, but in the
case of asthma , as far as I know, you need an asthma puffer obtained
through a doctor's prescription.   Eve
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