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I've been diagnosed with mild asthma, but my symptons don't follow well. Help please

   I have recently been diagnosed with asthma, but it's hard for me to believe I have asthma. My signs and symptons began in mid July this year, and I thought it was all heart problems. I had extensive testing done on my heart, all the way up to a heart catherization, which showed that nothing is wrong with my heart, all blood tests normal, no HIV, complete blood count good, etc. The whole 9 yards of tests came out good. The full story, and more details of symptons here: http://www.medhelp.org/posts/show/627044
   I recently had a PFT test done to check my lungs. I did before and after tests, and the after tests were slightly better after I inhaled some formula for 5 minutes. My pulmonologist told me the results show mild asthma, but I still blew away the charts (like I still hold a lot of air etc)
   I get short breathed a lot, on some days when doing physical stuff, but recently just sitting down here on the PC. My doctor prescribed me inhalers, one QVAR steroidal one for in the mornings everyday, and one Albuterol inhaler for sudden signs. I have been on the inhalers 8 days now (as of oct. 7th) and I feel as if they are not helping me one bit. The albuterol does not really help my sudden sypmtons which come. I do not have a Peak flow meter, but even when I have my shortness of breath symptons, I can still blow out a lot of air.
  My main symptons are feeling short of breath, and taking in a deep breath sometimes helps, and other times I suck in all the air, but it feels like my lungs are not "satisfied." I do not have any wheezing. Sometimes my chest feels a lil tight, but nothing major. I've also been producing mucus lately which I can "suck up" by making that nasty noise with my throat. ( I believe I have a minor cold, but my mom been telling me my breath hasn't been so well for about a month now whenever I talk to her ) When my shortness of breath strikes worse, I start breathing faster and shorter mostly. I also seem to have a lot of gas buildup in my lungs that I burp out, although I don't think this is related.
   My girlfriend had bronchitis for a while that she didn't know about, and it may be a possibility, but my signs are not going away at all. Like I said at the top, my symptons started back in mid-july (when I was overseas in germany), and she got a small case of bronchitis of it after I got back. (she did have it as a child she told me) I don't know if maybe I picked something up while there that was in the air. Before I left for vacation, I was perfectly fine.
  Basically I feel as if I can breath just fine, not struggling for air most of the time, but rather that my lungs are not processing the oxygen well enough, causing my shortness of breath symptons, and needing to take in deep breaths.
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I forgot to add, I just turned 21 (oct 7th) weight 155lbs, and am 6'5" tall. I never smoked (maybe 20 cigs/ black n milds total in my life) and I'm rarely around people who smoke.
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Have you talked to your doctor about sleep apnea. It can make you short of breathe or maybe stress related I'd explore those options if it were me. I use Albuteral but it doesn't help that much either only when my attacks are really bad.  Or get a second opinion by another Pulmanologist ( Lung doctor). To really find out if you have Asthma ask for a Methacholine test very uncomfortable but is very accurate in lung function.  

Hope this helps
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I'm going to have to see about that test

to Falloola:
Thanks for the info. I don't think its anything allergy related. This started back in mid july when I was overseas in Germany, and has continued since I have been back. I never had problems before. I have since had extensive cardiac testing on my heart including a cardiac cath which showed that everything is okay with my heart. I do get occasional palpitations, mainly ones where I can just feel my heartbeat when sitting or laying down. I really dont think it's asthma that is causing my troubles. I've been on a QVAR c.steroid inhaler for 20 days now, and I don't feel it helping me one bit, and when I have worse eppisodes I used to take 2 puffs as directed of ProAir Albuterol, which also doesnt seem to help. I still carry it around incase. Lately my shortness of breath has been there constantly, while doin things, while sitting down, etc. Nothing seems to help. I'm thinking I have some sort of repiratory infection that I dont know about or wants to go away. My mom tells me I dont always have the best odor out my mouth when I talk to her lately, like a sore throat smell, although my neck dont hurt and I dont have a sore throat. My girlfriend had bronchitis as a child she told me, and had a reoccurance about a month ago. I wonder if it might have to do with this, although I read that bronchitis also makes you feel sick, which I dont feel. My pulmonologist told me I blew away the charts on the PFT, and did slightly better after I inhaled a formula which is a sign of asthma. Honestly, when I feel short of breath, I still can blow a lot of air at force. I dont have a peak flow, but im sure I would still do good on it. I think its more of my lungs not precessing the oxygen well enough. There are very few times lately that I feel normal. I do not believe it is aniexty realted. I did have costochonditis once recently too which caused a lot of chest pain, and EKG's, Xrays, and blood work was done again to check my heart and showed good again.
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