874521 tn?1424116797


I have COPD and today came down with a respiratory flu....I am having a very hard time breathing.
Now I have my grandson here visiting and he uses an inhaler of ventolin 200 mcg.
I used some today and will replace his, I KNOW I SHOULDN'T USE ANOTHERS MEDICATIONS...but this is just to get me thru a day maybe two, if I'm not better by than I will go to the ER and need a mask and ventilation, but I am trying to avoid that.

so please someone,,, tell me how much can an adult of abt 200 lbs safely use???
does someone know?....I've taken 6 puffs so far since this aftrnoon and it is helping quite abit, but can I take alot more yet?
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874521 tn?1424116797
thx for that info....oops I did 800mcg in succession  last night and more a few hours later, guess I'm lucky with no adverse reaction...I was desperate.
I agree I should have gone to the ER(small city..no walk ins here)......I have worked in medical care but I sure didn't know that abt ventolin being so dangerous at that level....
but you know it did work, I started breathing better within an hour and slept well, this morning a very deep heavy cough but otherwise improved, if the s.o.b. returns this time I surely will seek a doctor...thx again for letting me know!!
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746512 tn?1388807580
4 puffs a day is the maximum (800mcg) but I would go to a walk in clinic instead of trying to treat it at home.  Your lungs may feel with fluid and cause you to go into respiratory failure, which could kill you.  You are allowed to take 200mcg every 4-6 hours as needed but I wouldn't go over that, no matter how much you weigh.

Trouble breathing is nothing to play around with and treat at home.  
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