463897 tn?1468013750

Introducing a new Co-Community Leader


Please join me in welcoming Tammy2009 as the new Co-Community Leader for the Asthma Community.  Tammy2009  has personal experience and extensive knowledge as it relates to Asthma.  We look forward to working with her, alongside Co-CL ChitChatNine and the entire community, to continue improving and growing the Asthma  Community.  

MedHelp Community Mgr  
3 Responses
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168348 tn?1379357075
Welcome Tammy -- it's so exciting to have you as our Co-CL -- you bring such dimension to the community!!
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Hey Tammy,

Welcome you to Asthma Community
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746512 tn?1388807580
Thanks for the welcome :)  

I'll just tell a little about myself so if you have any questions feel free to message me.  

I am a 21 year old Canadian girl and proud of it (sidenote here: Happy Canada Day).  I am currently going into my fourth year of bachelor of biological sciences with a plan to enter vet school in a year.  I may disappear at times especially near midterms and projects but I do have a laptop I take notes on so you never know when I may have a boring lecture ...

Ironically, my asthma is allergy based due to cat dander and dust mite allergies that have got much worse for the last couple of years.  I do have 2 cats (and they aren't leaving!!) so if you want tips on how to reduce dander exposure to help your asthma I can give you personal experience of what has worked for me.  I got diagnosed last january so I'm still a newbie at this asthma control but it's getting better and better now that we have the medications that work well for me.  

I am also on allergy shots so if you have questions on how asthma is affected by that or anything else give me a message.  

Thanks again for asking me to be a co-cl for this community.  
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