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I've experiencing to spit a phlegme with blood

I am 22 years old. I am from Davao, Philippines. I've experience a hard to breath since last week. I have been checked up and they examined my x-ray and ECG. My x-ray is negative in result but I did not get already the result of my ECG. The doctor give two medicines but I stop taking on it because with my friend's advice that I am lack of exercise. Because of that I started exercising like jogging, some stretching on the first day I feel great. I mean I didn't feel those hard breathing act. But in this morning I've planned to jogging early at 5:00 the weather is cold and I start jogging until I get half kilometer, I decided to go back since the little rain starts falling. After an hour passed i decided to take a bath, cause I decided to go to and get my result of the ECG examination. After I've taken a bath I cough and spit it.. and when I spit it..it comes with a blood and flame and I felt that my respiratory part is bleeding. I thought that its my teeth cause I've didn't brush it for a week. That's the problem I've been thinking on whats the cause of this? what kind of symptom is this? Please help you generous doctor.
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Take the Medication your doctor has prescribed, they are to make you feel better.    you should never stop medication unless you have discusse it with you doctor.   and as for the bleeding,   mild irritation caused by the constant cough.   good luck
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144586 tn?1284666164
When a physician precribes you antibiotics, it is important to follow his instructions.

By discontinueing the medications you may have developed a strain of bacteria that is resistant to the two medications he has given you. You become a danger to yourself and others.

Thee aren't that many antibiotics in the armamentarium. When you run out of options, you die.

You need to return to the physician who treated you immediately.
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Well Im not sure I have advice for you but based on what I have had if u feel breathless and tinged sputum u could have respitory probs. The xray u took would show if u have pneumonia, adn if you did are do stop jogging for now. Excercise is not realyl your friedn rightr now breathing is!
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