788350 tn?1236620199


okay I have asthma. I like to play sports in my free time especially in the spring and summer thats why this question is important to me now.  

I was prescribed abuterol and Advair. the abuterol barely helps and the advair i have found to be too expensive each month.

my question is can ephedrine do anything for me. alot of my friends run ephedrine hcl in eca stacs for weight loss. obviously my reason for using would be different and not involve cafiene or asprin. what can it do for me and how to take it. also is there any other alternatives?
5 Responses
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144586 tn?1284666164
You need a professional evaluation at an asthma clinic by a respiratory therapist. Not a "guess" from an office visit. These people are quite good at what they do. They will test your peak flow with various medications.

You might also be advised that beer is contraindicated. There is a chemical in beer that precipitates asthmatic like conditions.
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788350 tn?1236620199
yaa im not sure guys. my doc never really tested me just kinda diagnosed me with asthma.

i dont believe walmart can get a cheap advair.

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746512 tn?1388807580
Maybe you have something that mimics asthma since the albuterol does not work very well?

I'm new to this whole reactive airways/asthma stuff so ask your doctor if there is another type of rescue medication that you could try and to test for some other disorders that have symptoms similar to asthma.
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144586 tn?1284666164
Ephedrine is the wrong medication. I am concerned that albuterol sulfate does not provide emergency relief.

Ordinarily, albuterol sulfate is used to open the lungs, and a longer acting inhalation aerosol, such as ibratropium bromide is prescribed.

These meds are often prescribed in tandem.

Try Wal-Mart for inexpensive prescriptions.

I an very hesitant to recommend oral prednisone, because it has many horrible side effects. That being said, it is inexpensive, and in an emergency, will do the job.

I would try running with a dust mask.

Limiting your sports activities may be the only course of action. It is very possible to die from an asthmatic attack.

I think you require a professional consultation at an asthma clinic, where they put you on a machine and test your peak flow with various medications.
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788350 tn?1236620199
i also have access to clenbuterol pills. how would i take it. my abuterol only gives me a little boost would a clen pill help more if taken before a game?
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