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prednisone problems?

I have been on prednisone foe 4 to 5 years, dosages from 25 down to 1 mg for most of that time. I got real sick all of sudden and had to go to 40 to 50 mg per day for about 1 year. I know I need to get off them. now taking about 20 per day. can I get off them after so long????
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I don't know why you are taking the prednisone so it is hard to say. I know it is used for many conditions to control inflammation. That would be something to ask the doctor prescribing the medicine. I was on 80mg/day at one time...now I go between 5mg and 20mg when I get a bad flareup.  Are you  monitoring the food you eat and avoiding things that increase inflammation? I will be praying for you, God bless.
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DON'T TAKE IT UPON YOURSELF TO GET OFF THEM! I have a friend with Lupus. She was taking high doses of Prednisone for years. She suddenly decided that she didn't want to take them anymore, so she just stopped. She fell into a coma for 3 months. A doctor has to wean you off Prednisone, if it's necessary for to get off it.
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