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1086730 tn?1258451978

My lungs are going crazy..

Okay so, I have asthma. I'm 17 years of age with anxiety and things are beginning to freak me out. I've been recently (within the month) have been having breathing problems. I've been to the doctors numerous of times regarding it. And all of them say: " I don't know what to prescribe you" or " I can't cure panic attacks". But thats not the reason why i'm asking this question, it's because i'm very concerned about my health and well-being. i've recently been having a cough that never goes away but only like 3times a day, and when I do cough, phlegm comes out. But today I was scared, I coughed into my hand and some phlegm came out, but it felt weird...A sponge-like texture came out. I was really scared, thinking this is an early sign of cancer. I've never smoked cigarettes nor drugs, I stay away from it but i'm surrounded by the smoking community. After school especially, i'm stuck with these jerks blowing smoke, I can smell it and i'm disgusted. In addition to my symptoms, i've been experiencing; Shortness of breath, trouble sleeping, headaches, coughs with phlegm, chest pain (on the right side) and back/neck pain. And with my anxiety diagnosis, i'm very concerned and afraid. My family history have been somewhat fine... My dad had Diabetes (can't remember the type) I'm pretty sure I have A.D.D, my mom has acid reflux ( I think), and thats basically it. I'm hoping I can get some re-assurance regarding my health about you folks, I trust you enough as it is to broadcast my private information. Please reply if you have any answers, I need it dearly.

Thank you for your time.

Best Regards,
Tyler Allison
10 Responses
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1086730 tn?1258451978
Thanks alot, I needed to reassurance to calm me down :). And it did, so I thank you guys. The Hypochondria that i've got started when I had my first panic attack, and it would have to be one of the most worst ones i've gone through for the first one. It lasted all day and night, feeling like if i'm getting zapped or something, like a ticking time bomb. I guess this is why i'm so concerned about my health, I guess I just don't want another one of those triggering again.

But thank you everyone for the amazing support, i'll try to get through this. Lyndster, Tammy2009, and Victoireh, I thank you alot. God Bless you all, have a wonderful life :)
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942934 tn?1268108382
It sounds like you have a mixture of anxiety/panic going on, plus your asthma doesn't sound like it is optimally controlled, which is adding to your anxiety. this makes for a vicious cycle. Start by relaxing. Take peak flow readings for a week to gauge how  your asthma is and show your doctor the graph that you track it on.

I really don't believe you need to worry about getting any drastic diseases.If you have the H1N1, you will have fever, achy muscles. headache, sore throat, and cough. My daughter has it right now and she still has fever for 5 days. Her fever has mostly hung around 38 C, but did spike to 39.5 C on one of the days. For the most part it is mild, but it takes a good week if not more to recover from.
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746512 tn?1388807580
Good luck and hopefully it isn't
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1086730 tn?1258451978
I'm going to the doctors today to get more information, I just had the chills last night (a symptom of H1N1). But thanks guys, i'll reply back to let you guys know if I do or don't.
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1086730 tn?1258451978
Thank you as well, I will check in with different doctors. If it does turn out that it's only anxiety and hypochondria working together to give me the illusion that i'm sick, I will try to relax as much as possible.
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746512 tn?1388807580
Remember too that you are not limited to one doctor.  Find another one that is willing to listen if if they think or you are "crazy"  (I have absolutely no info/experience on mental illnesses besides anixety, panic attacks).  Use either an online doctor search (like ratemds.com) that has comments or just keeping getting consults until you find someone you like.  It took me a while to find a good neuromuscular doctor that I trust with touching my mouth due to TMD pain but it was worth the research.

Another thing you MUST do if find something that helps you relax.  Yoga, listening to music, volunteering, walking a dog, getting massages etc.  Anixety and stress will make you feel ill even when you aren't, and if you do have a physical cause it will make it feel 10 times worse than if you weren't stressed.  

Good luck and let us know how everything turns out.  
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1086730 tn?1258451978
Thank you so much for replying to my topic, and no I don't take any medication besides the puffers I have for my asthma.

I was suspecting that I have hypochondria as well, and I know I have mental issues. I just didn't think it was to that severity...Do you know if that "paralyzation" effect is contributing to  whats going on with me aswell?
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Are you on any medication that could cause ocular giro crisis?      

The conditions you are worried you have are very rare and I would say from what you have said it is far more likely that you are suffering from some sort of mental issue rather than a physical one that should be treated with some kind of medication to calm you down.Ironically medication like this can cause these symptoms in the first place so you may need to see a doctor to get yours changed.

On the other hand the belching could be a significant symptom of something more serious.The way you have written your problem it could mean one thing or the other.I think you have either read too many medical articles and have an acute case of hypochondria which is causing you to panic or you may actually be ill and your anxiety is making this worse.

Have you always had medical problems or is this just recently?If this is something that has just come about and not something minor like a chest infection that you have blown out of proportion in your head you need to get a second opinion.

Im clutching at straws a lot here Tyler I was just hoping to be of some help to you im not a doctor so take what I have said with a big pinch of salt. Im bipolar myself and have suffered a breakdown so I know what it is like to have to deal with a mental illness.

Ps 5lbs is not all that much weight to lose.

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1086730 tn?1258451978
And sorry 1 more thing, i've also lost 5lbs. I've been eating healthier but thats only been for 2-3weeks now.
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1086730 tn?1258451978
I would also like to add that i've been recently diagnosed with something weird and unknown to my knowledge. Whenever I use a burst of energy (lets say to run to the bathroom), within the 1second I feel paralyzed and unable to move for 5seconds. When in that state, It feels like I have to move both of my hands near my mouth, My eyes are looking to the top-right/left, and I feel like I have to bend down to remedy the situation. I have no idea what is, i've went to the doctors as well regarding that and I got no answers. And quite frankly im pissed, because i've never been getting any answers from the start. I would also like to add that i've been feeling alot of fatigue, even from the smallest exercises. (like getting dressed or going down the stairs. I've also been belching  ALOT within the past week, if that helps.

I'm thinking I have H1N1, Interstitial Lung Diseaese, or possibly even cancer. And I don't know what i'm going to do about it if I get NO answers from my trusted family doctor.
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