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Not sure if it's asthma

When I was younger, I could run a mile with a cramp at the worst, over the last 3 years I've had shortness of breath when I ran and walked more than 3 flights of stairs. Today, I was participating in a 5K, and at the 2 mi mark(a had been walking for 100 (meters) I began to run again and the shortness if breath got worse.  It felt like I was trying to breathe through one of those really thin straws. I didn't think anything of it until I felt like my throat was closing and there was a plug blOcking my lungs. I was wheezing really bad and was super scared. It's hard not to panic when you cant breathe. Please let me know if this sounds like asthma and what I should do. I'm planning on seeing a doctor soon but I would appreciate some feedback from you
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746512 tn?1388807580
There are many many issues that can cause those symptoms - anxiety, lung problems (asthma and others), heart problems, being out of shape and even GERD or acid reflux can cause severe shortness of breath (as I've found out lately :) fun fun).  

A doctor's visit and work up is needed to determine what the problem is and what treatment is needed.
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It could be just panic so try not to worry. The way you explained there is a chance of asthma but it's not necessary. Breathing issues always get worse when you panic so try not to. Anyway you should see your doctor sooner then soon, just to make sure.
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