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170935 tn?1225371076

itchy chest/lung???

Hi has anyone ever experienced a weird tickly/itchy feeling inside their upper back? I have experineced this before but it is happen a lot more now. It's like i need to scratch but it is deep inside my chest (right lung area i think) Is it due to asthma? What could cause it?
I was also told i have cosotchondritis recently but i don't think it is due to that????
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Hi I am Mrinal From India. I have a strange itchy feeling inside my chest since 6days. First i thought it to be problem related to gas so I had gas tablets and heartburn tablets . Later I realized it isnt heartburn as there is no burn but a constant itchy sensation inside. I never had drugs and m really tensed. Never had any diseases too.

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Hi! Thank you for sharing that with me!
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I just wanted to share that my allergist always asks me if I am smelling smoke when I have a sinus infection.  For some reason, many people do smell smoke with sinus infections.
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Hi!  I just read your post because I was wondering if there were other people like me that have a warning signal before a full blown asthma attack. I get an itch, deep inside my right lung, as well as the right side of my waist. It took me a few times to make the connection and now when I feel the itch, even if I don't have a cough yet, I puff on the my inhaler and it prevents the attack. I also have another warning signal which I'm wondering if others have: before a sinus infection presents itself, I perceive the smell of cigarette smoke in my nose even though I can't smell a thing. I guess we're lucky we get these warnings and others don't. The doctors I've mentioned it to have been surprised and haven't heard of that before, even my pulmonologist!
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170935 tn?1225371076
Hi there. How you feeling now? Wnated to ask you if you were asthmatic? I don't know if it has anything to do with asthma but i have asthma too.
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me too!!!! i recently came down with what I thought  was a cold and experienced extremely bad symptoms (coughing, wheezing, itchy, watery eyes, congestion) the whole bit! This was probably the worst "cold/flu" virus that I have had in my lifetime. I'm 32. Turns out about a week and a half later - I started to get twitching in my left eye and the muscles in the left side of my face started to weaken. During this time I also experience itchiness in my left ear, back roof of my mouth/throat. I consequently got a perforated inner ear infection. One morning a few days later I woke up with my equilibirum completely out of whack! I literally could not stand up on my 2 feet. I went to ER for the 2nd time and they diagnosed me with vertigo & like-symptoms of a mild case of bell's palsy (the weakness on my left side). Turns out the virus was attacking my nervous system as opposed to my respiratory system even though I was having cold/flu-like symptoms. Anyway the reason why i am saying all this is to say that after this bout, I started to get the itchiness in my lungs/chest/upper back. This happened over 2 mnths ago and I've pretty much recovered from  every thing else BUT the tightness/wheezing in my chest and the itchy feeling. This has consistenly persisted over the last 3 months and I've been freaked out by it too, as I have never experienced anything like it. Nothing I've tried has worked to make it go away.
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