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Regular asthma attacks

i have asthma from childhood . i am taking Ventolin inhaler medicines for it.But in my teenage my asthma getting verse.  i was having attacks regularly. In each attack i cant breathe. i am wheezing and struglling. i need to take several inhaler puffs to get a relief. whenever i am exposed to dust, smoke, cold etc i cant breathe and start the asthma attack. now i am scared to go alone outside my house. i cant do simple things that other girls of my age do.i cant run upto 50 mtrs. i become out of breathe need to use my inhaler. i cant even walk fast. at night asthma getting worse and i woke up unable to breathe in several days. i am really scared. i need a relief or more powerful controlling. Please help
3 Responses
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757137 tn?1347196453
You are recommending inhaled steroids. When  you do that you should also mention the enormous harm it can do to your health. I got off that poison three years ago and switched to natural anti-inflammatories. They work better and there are no side effects. As to what Advair did to me - osteoporosis, adrenal fatigue, candidiasis, and on and on. The candidiasis alone would have killed me if I had not been treated in time.
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746512 tn?1388807580
Have you talked to your doctor about the increase in symptoms?  You may need to add a daily medication to lower the overall inflammation in your lungs or up the dosage if you are already taking them.  Examples would be advair, flovent, symbicort etc.  

I second the anti-inflammatories they help the immune system overall - fish oil or flaxseed are the typical ones.  

My respiralogisted recommended a couple different vitamins - vitamin D (2000 IU daily), vitamin C (2000 IU daily), N-acetyl cysteine (1500mg daily), CoQ 10 (60mg a day) and fish oil (2000mg daily).  The vitamin D, fish oil and N-acetyl cysteine may help you because they all help the immune system and the last one helps thin the mucus and is a powerful antioxdiant.  

Hope that helps!
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757137 tn?1347196453
You may also be suffering congestion. In that case you need a mucus thinner/expectorant. Buy an over-the-counter preparation that has guaifenesin, preferably only guaifenesin. Take a tablet and drink a full glass of water. It helps greatly. In fact the worst episodes I have with asthma involve serious congestion.

You can also start using natural anti-inflammatories. These help greatly and thee are no side effects. As to diet, be very careful about sweets and too much starch. These cause a proliferation of Candida albicans. Candida worsens asthma and allergies.

I almost forgot. If you can find chewable bromelain, use that. Very, very helpful.
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