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Proventil HFA Inhaler

What will happen if you don't rinse your mouth out after you use the Proventil HFA inhaler?
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757137 tn?1347196453
Proventil (albuterol) has a low pH that encourages the growth of (Candida albicans (yeast). When this happens in your mouth it is called thrush. . Rinsing your mouth with water raises the pH, making the environment inhospitable to candida. Thrush causes dry mouth and can create sores, making eating painful.
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Thank you! One of the nurses that we talked to said that if you didn't rinse your mouth out you would get an infection. The internet told me that it was possible to get an ear, nose, and throat infection but it wasn't caused from not rinsing out your mouth. That would just be a side affect of the drug. I was thinking that if it was extremely important to rinse out your mouth, then the doctor would of told us that when the drug was prescribed. Thank you for clearing that up for me.
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757137 tn?1347196453
When you are told to do something it helps to know why. Candida can also infect your sinuses and just about any part of your body. Sugar and antibiotics also encourage the proliferation of candida.
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