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SOB but good peak flows... how does that work?

About 4 weeks ago I had a nasty cold and even though I got over the cold I develpoed a chough. The NP at school said that my airways were just twitchy from the cold so she gave me a burst of pred. (5 days, 40mg, 30mg, 20mg, 10mg, 10mg) Well by the second day of taking the pred I was not only choughing I was also short of breath. So she told me to go to urgent care, they did a chest x-ray and my lungs were clear so they just uped my asthma meds to Advair 250/50. They also took my peak flow and then gave me a peak flow meter to use at home.

My best blow was 440 and the urgent care, which they told me is actually really good. I have now been blowing 450 as my best, however I still feel like **** and feel short of breath. How can this be that I feel so crappy, but my peak flows are good?

Is it possible that I don't have asthma (or is that just wishful thinking)?

Also I still feel SOB, it's like I have to work really hard just to get a full breath of air in.


4 Responses
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351724 tn?1267537018
well if u gotta keep using your rescue inhaler , that isnt good because it means its not doing what its suspsoe to be doing . i got that saying from my own doc if you feel as though  you gotta keep taking your eescue inhaler while taking your other meds then the meds arent doing **** for ya ! you prob need something stronger or for the doc to dig deeper to find out the exacpt problem !
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Well I do have an albuterol inhaler... and I have been using it, quite a bit. While in the urgent care the did check m oxygen levels they were good at 98-99.

I haven't pulled any muscles either... at least none that I know of. :)
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351724 tn?1267537018
hello , sounds to me like u need ot get your OXG. LEVEL   checked , and possably get a rescue inhaler , (albutrol ) did u pull a muscle or anything like that? there could be alot of things that causes sob and chest pain . like my self i  susposeably have asthma and copd . and now an upper respatory infection with bronchitis . they have me on flovent (cortisteriod) , rescue inhaler (albutrol). prednasone, antibiotics, and flexiril (muscle spasims) i feel like a medicine  cabnit lol . well best of luck to u , i would go to  your family doctor or maybe a pulmanary doctor ...........2young
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242588 tn?1224271700
Cough and shortness of breath, with a clear chest x-ray, suggests 2 possibilities:  asthma and clots to the lungs, also called pulmonary emboli (PE).  A third possibility would be some type of interstitial lung disease (ILD), a condition that might not be apparent on x-ray in the early stages.  You should ask your doctor about all 3 conditions.
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