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Seasonal Flu Shot (nasal spray) and Asthma

My daughter just received the nasal spray for the seasonal flu shot.   I believe she can only receive the injection which is inactivatted.  The doctor argued so much about it saying it's ok for her to get the nasal spray.  I was wondering if this can bring some negative side effects.  She is four years old and suffers from asthma since she was 3 years old.
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Thanks for the info
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942934 tn?1268108382
here's a link to an article that gives more information on the flu shot.

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942934 tn?1268108382
I do believe I've also read up that people at high risk should not get the live vaccine, as it has not been proven to be safe for them. I would certainly try to get the shot over the nasal spray.

The H1N1 shot though does make your arm much more sore then dose the regular seasonal flu shot.
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