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Sever cough & vomiting

I'm having a sever cough since two weeks that leads to vomiting and the cough makes me breathless and today I started having a throat ache.
The vomiting and the cough increase when I eat and during my sleep.
I asked someone and he said its a stress affair and I should visit a Dr but I've been busy so could you please help? AND its the first time yo experience this.
Thanks in advance
4 Responses
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Hello there,

I just finished reading your comments. A cough that makes you vomit is
serious. I would suggest that you make a doctor's appointment as soon
as possible to see what is causing the cough. Perhaps your doctor can
give you something for your cough. Coughing when you're trying to sleep
is terrible. I have asthma. This happens to me sometimes because of
my asthma. I'm guessing you have a sore throat because of all the coughing
Good luck finding some answers. Eve
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Thanks for the comment, I've been taking a lot of pills and syrups lately, the rate of cough and vomit changed, it decreased but I'm still tired and my whole body aches.
I've also experienced a fever today. It was about 37.8 C
I don't really have time to visit a doctor. is it really serious?
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Hi doaa_morgan,

You're welcome. You say you really don't have the time to visit a doctor.
I would make the time. Something is causing this "severe" cough and
you say you now have a fever. I would make the appointment as soon
as possible. Fever are your body's way of telling you something is
wrong. These syrups you're taking and pills I would be willing to bet
are ones you purchased over the counter. I would strongly recommend
that you be seen by your family doctor so your doctor can examine you
and ask you the questions that need to be asked and you can ask
questions of your doctor. Is it really serious? Based on your comments,
I would say , yes. Better safe than sorry I always say. Eve
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168348 tn?1379357075
You really need to see a doctor with symptoms like these.  I would postpone whatever is on my schedule for a few hours and take care of your health.  

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