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can you help me seriously?

i have had asma all my life and often get chest infections however at the moment i have chest pains, difficulty breathong a chest cough and a severe case of mucous. the mucous almost seems stuck on my throat i go to cough it up and coke and heave and it wont come up. i was given anti biotics for a few days which didnt work and im now using meltus. will this work?
how long will this take to clear up and what medicine do you recommend?
3 Responses
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469789 tn?1208703324
Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I mad a mistake on the formula - this is the correct one:
9 parts ling zhi
4 parts kushen
2 parts gan cao

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469789 tn?1208703324

I go to this chines medicine doctor here in Vancouver.  He gave me this combination of herbs that has all but cleared my allergic bronchities - for me it's been miraculous - I used to use the inhaler about 8 times a day - now I use it maybe once if that.

These are the three herbs - I asked my doctor the quantities & he told me
9 parts kushen
4 parts ling zhi
2 parts gan cao

If you know a chinese doctor or acupuncturist/herbalist they may be able to help you with this.  I hope you give it a try as it has changed my life.

good luck!!!

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242588 tn?1224271700
The severity and persistence of your symptoms requires that you go back to your doctor and request a chest x-ray, a blood count and a sputum culture.  You could have pneumonia and should not depend upon home remedies.
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