332176 tn?1220541962

Shortness of Breath

On wednesday night I woke up basically gasping for air... it seemed as though my air passage was being blocked.  The next day I went running and same thing happened... it felt as though i could not get enough air into my system.  I started wheezing and gasping for air.  I slowed down a little and regained my breathing....  Every night except for saturday I have felt like I am not getting enough air!  This just started happening to me - any ideas what it could be??  Seasonal allergies or something??
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please can you help my grandson is 21 days old he has a whinning noise when he is being fed/either bottle or breastfeed- can you suggest what is this- will  he grow out of this or what - but the noise stops once his over with his feed. what can it be
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242588 tn?1224271700
What you describe suggests that you have trouble breathing in and that suggests vocal cord spasms.  This can occur with no apparent cause, in response to allergens or in response to what is called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) with aspiration of gastric contrasts into your larynx, commonly called the voice box.  This could also be asthma as the combination of nocturnal and exercise related respiratory distress could also provide an explanation of your symptoms.

It could be helpful to be examined, during one of these attacks.  This would include direct examination of your vocal cords by a doctor using a fiberoptic laryngoscope in an emergency room.

As an afterthought, you could also be having anxiety and these could be panic attacks.

Good luck.
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