1580703 tn?1651904887

Sleep apnea ruining my life- medications

Hi!  I am still suffering from hypopneas and central apnea with O2 of 75% and have been sick for 4 weIeks.  I've been using O2 at 5 liters/min and it makes me feel better.  I found these drugs that could possibly help.  I use zolpidem and it seems to help and am trying to get restoril.  This disease is destroying my career and life.  Thanks very much!

Acetazolamide (Diamox): Acetazolamide is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor that causes bicarbaturia and metabolic acidosis, which presumably shifts the apneic threshold of PaCO2 to a lower level. It has been shown to be effective therapy in primary central sleep apnea and CSB in patients with heart failure and in the treatment of high-altitude periodic breathing.

Theophylline: This agent has been studied in patients with heart failure and was found to be effective in attenuating CSB.[34] It may also be effective for high-altitude periodic breathing.

Sedative hypnotics: These agents have been used successfully in treating nonhypercapnic central sleep apnea. Temazepam and zolpidem have been shown to be effective under these circumstances and are believed to work by consolidating the sleep pattern, thus minimizing the instability in ventilation induced by sleep-wake transitions. A case series showed zolpidem reduced central apneas, and the overall apnea-hypopnea index, without worsening obstructive events.[35]
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acetazolamide and theophylline seem to be more last resort medicines since they have these serious side effects like heart problems
I'm trying temazepam or restoril now and it seems to be working- zolpidem is ok at helping me fall asleep but it seems less effective
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