1084197 tn?1258493890

Sticky spetum and itchy lungs

Since July 2009 after I got the flu I have been having very bad problems with my lungs.  I feel terribly congested and feel crackling in my lungs.  At first it was really hard to breath, but I am getting a little better with that.  Now though, I am suffering this intolerable itching of my lungs and really sticky congestion that just refuses to come up.  I'm on azithromycin and prednisone.  I have advair and ibuteral that I am taking after my prednison treatment.  I hope my breathing betters, my congestion and itching relieves.  This is horrible.  Does any one have an idea of what this may be....infection, asthma, bronchitis..?  I have made an appointment with an allergist/pulmonolgist.  I hope I get some answers.  Does any one else have these symptoms with asthma?
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1084197 tn?1258493890
Thanks for you comment!!  Yeah, I am fighting to get rid of this insidious congestion.  It is so sticky, but I am doing all I can to get rid of it.  I didn't know it could take so long to get rid of mucous.  I am breathing in steam and am taking a chest decongestant.  I am on antibiotic.  My sputum was green and yellow and brown, but it was only in small bits and I didn't have a fever.  This has been going on for 4 months.  I wonder if it was pnemonia?   I will be seeing a pulmonoligist and allergist.  Hopefully, I will get some answers.  You are so kind to respond thank you.  
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942934 tn?1268108382
Maybe you have a lung infection? Do you have a fever? What is the colour of your sputum? The steroid treatment should help with the excess inflammation. Have you had a pulmonary function test yet? Asthma usually responds very well to steroid treatment, inhaled or oral, so maybe something else is going on. The albuteral will open your airways more to help the sticky congestion move. You must have a really bad cough if you can feel the mucous rattling around in your chest. For how long has this been going on for? It will take a number of weeks to get rid of all the excess mucous in your lungs. The mucous in asthma is especially sticky and I have found it's very hard to cough it up.

Well, that fact that your breathing has improved is a good sign, that means your airways have opened up. Now your lungs have to work hard to clear the excess mucous out of them, which like I said can take many weeks. You should find that that it will get less and less of over time. Eventually the rattling in your chest will disappear, but you will still have a wet cough as there is still excess inflammation present as your lungs heal. Just lots of patience is required till the lungs restore themselves.
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