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Meds, meds and more meds with No success

I've had asthma since I was 10 yrs old, I'm now 27. I've played soccer since I was a kid and never had any serious issues. About 2 yrs ago I had a real bad cold/sinus infection and ended up in the ER because of my asthma. Ever since then, I have not been able to get my asthma under control. I've been prescribed almost everything you can think of, steroids, albuterol, xopenex (inhaler and inhalation solution), budesonide, mucinex and that's just for my asthma. Since I also have allergies, I've taken several different allergy meds and nasal sprays. I've seen an asthma specialist and she ran several different tests and everything came back normal. I have a constant cough, tightness in my chest, shortness for breath and I get very light headed. My doctor has run out of ideas and the asthma specialist said I probably need to move (I live in TX). Do you have any suggestions that don't require me to move???
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I had an allergy test about 4 years ago. I found out that I'm allergic to almost everything, except foods and guinea pigs. I started the shots but had a bad reaction so I stopped. I also have a Neti Pot that I use, but I haven't noticed much difference. I'm going to try the vitamins and maybe find a new asthma specialist. Thanks for your help!
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746512 tn?1388807580
Do you know what your allergies are?  Allergy shots are always an option.  They have reduced my allergy symptoms 90-95% during the 10 months I've been getting them.  Decreased the constant nasal congestion slightly, and enough to show that part of my problem is not only allergies but also a deviated septum which is not allowing me to breathe properly through my nose.  

Vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acids and B vitamins are suppose to help with inflammation (although I don't see a big difference, might work differently for you).  

Nasal rinsing also helped me get my allergies into check.  I use the neil-med system with a bottle and pre packaged salts.  I started with initally about 2-3 times a day and now only use it 1-2 times a week.  

Finding out what you are allergy to and taking measures to avoid the triggers should help you greatly, since the asthma is most likely allergy based.  

Also show the doctor how you are using the inhaler, I wasn't using mine properly and a slight change in technique improved my breathing.  

Good luck!
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