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cant breath when I wake

Hello everyone,

I been having a problem,every morning I wake up and I cant breath until I take my puffer which loosens up phlegm deep inside me and I cough it up. The weird part about it is the phlegm is like strands of crystal clear gel or balls. Then as I start to get my breathing back it's almost turns to a thin  liquid I cough up  .After about an hour I can breath fine again and I may only take my puffer once again the whole day. Any ideas? apparently I snore real bad, maybe even have sleep apnea so this makes it twice as hard to breath.

2 Responses
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209987 tn?1451935465
Coughing up almost any color of phlegm goes hand in hand with asthma...especially the clear.

It's possible that your snoring has a lot to do with shortness of breath in the morning...it's also something that smokers go through too.
Not sure if you smoke, or if you ever have...just saying that they go through that.
Perhaps you have a touch of PND as well? Post nasal drip.
Maybe something in your bedroom is setting off asthma attacks? Room deodorizer? Cat?

Snoring in itself is caused by your airways being blocked, but it wouldn't produce the phlegm.
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Thanks for your comments, I do have a rabbit which I feel might have something to do with it and the snoring isn't helping at al.l I will look into this with my family doctor.
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