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air hunger/chest pains while on meds

Is it normal that I experience air hunger (shortness of breath), chest pains, and dizziness even though I'm on Symbicort (2x daily) and Ventolin (supposed to be 4x daily, but only take it 2x, or when needed)?  

I've been diagnosed with asthma last month and I haven't had my appointment with a specialist yet.  I find the inhalers help a lot, if I don't take them I experience worst symptoms of shortness of breath, chest pains and dizziness.

I don't understand why I still experience those symptoms while on meds.  Is it normal ?
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While on meds : happens ~ everyday, for a period of a few hours (happend last night for about an hour)
While not on meds : happens all day, becomes worst as the day goes on.
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746512 tn?1388807580
you might not be on the right medications or at a high enough dose.   You must take them regularly and bring down your inflammation.  

When I was diagnosed with reactive airways, I was put on advair 250, two puffs twice daily but for the first month or so I was still using my albuterol puffer almost daily.  Now 4 months into the treatment I only have to use my rescue inhaler once every 2-3 weeks (I did switch from advair to pulmicort though due to the price tag).  
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Thank you for the reply.
When I was first diagnosed, my doctor said I should take my ventolin (my rescue inhaler) two puffs four times per day until I go to a specialist, I only take it twice a day, do you think that could make a difference?
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