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Worsening asthma symptoms

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I am a 35 year old female. Non smoker, occasional drinker.

In Sept 2009 I got a cold..with the virus I found my asthma which is usually very under contol became out of control I needed to use my inhalers every 4 hours. I reported this to my dr who gave me advair and advised to take this for 10 days. I was still needing to take the other inhaler as well. Within a few weeks I felt better.

I then got another cold. ( I have a three year old in daycare,lol) this time it did not seem to go away with time..the cough and runny nose did but after weeks it still felt like there was a lot of mucus in my throat and my asthma again was out of control.  I started to feel like I needed to clear my throat all the time and my voice became hoarse.Around this time I started to get a sore throat and pain when swallowing. I went back to the drs and was advised to take the advair again for 2 months. The dr had chest and sinus X-rays done and they are clear. Over the last few weeks my voice has started to grow hoarser and I can sometimes feel pain in my chest when swallowing. The dr has persbribed me a Proton Pump inhibitor for reflux. It has been several days and this has done nothing. Am I wrong in thinking that there should be a more thorough examination of my throat and esophagus? I know my history leads against it but could this not be a tumor causing this? I am getting frustrated at the constant and worsening symptoms and I know that the dr has to rule things out , but the medication for the reflux is not causing any improvements in the symptoms and my asthma symptoms are still bothersome. Previously I only ever needed to take inhalers when I was sick and now I need them everyday.

Any advice or suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

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Thanks for your response.

I see the dr next wednesday because he wants to allow time for the GERD treatment to work, meanwhile asthma is ok as long as I dont miss a dose of advair which I guess is better then it was last week.

Meanwhile my throat still hurts..in fact it kinda feels like I have a sunburn, its really odd. And I my voice is still very hoarse...so far after 7 days of the reflux treatment I am not optimistic we are getting to the root of the problem. I am trying to take it one day at a time but my anxiety level is way up. I think next week I am going to be insisting somone at least take a look at my throat and do a barium test for the gerd.

Thanks again, take care.

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942934 tn?1268108382
I agree more tests should be run to confirm what is going on in your body. You're a bit young to be having tumours, but you could have esophageal reflux that makes it's way up to your larynx, which can give symptoms of difficulty swallowing etc. A more aggressive treatment is required for that type of reflux disease.  Tests for GERD and sinusitis should be done. I too have found that random treatment can be real hit and miss. Hence tests should be performed to determine the exact cause of the aggravation to your asthma. Once this is determined then the appropriate treatment can be given and then control of your symptoms can also be achieved.
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