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asthma + cats

my daughter suffers from asthma, and she wants to get a cat. i need advise, if her asthma will be worst..
2 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
She needs to be allergy tested to see if she is allergic to cats.  No allergy to them = should not have any problems with asthma.  

However, you  can become allergic to them years after, I had my one cat for 10 years before any allergies and 15 years before I developed asthma.

If you do get one, try to keep it out of your daughters room so she has a good 8 hours without breathing in tons of cat dander.  
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1294091 tn?1312707301
also to note is that it is possible to be allergic to one cat and not to another.

i have allergies to various pets, rabbits definatly... cats and dogs... depends on the pet in question.
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