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asthma and asbestos

My son has asthma and is going to a school that has asbestos in it.  Should I be concerned about this or should I talk with his Drs. about this. Thank you for any and all advice on this subject
2 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
Have you checked with the school about the Asbestos I believe its dangerous when it crumbles and can go into powder form and be inhaled, I would be a bit afrid to send my child until I got further information and if they are having it Proffesionaly removed.
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242588 tn?1224271700
The important phrase in your question is, "...that has asbestos in it".  The key issue is not that there may be some asbestos in the building.  The key issue, for your son and the other students and teachers is:  What is their degree of exposure to the asbestos, if any?  Completely sealed in-the-wall asbestos would not pose a threat, save for times of demolition/reconstruction when that potential risk would become an actual risk.  Asbestos in or anywhere near the heating/cooling/ventilation system could pose a serious, immediate risk.

We recommend that you first speak with the school principal or responsible member of the school district administration for information regarding how the problem of on-site asbestos has been addressed and the degree to which assurance has been given that it poses no risk.  If there is no good documentation of this or if you are the least bit dissatisfied with the response, you should contact the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and request their assistance.

This is an issue where citizen activism can play a most important role in protecting your children and their teachers.
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