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asthma and hypothyroid together

Does anyone here have severe asthma AND hypothyroidism??  I have had both for many, many years and am wondering about the relationship between the two- if at all. My IGe is sky high, and I am on xolair.
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168348 tn?1379357075

I am also the CL on our Thyroid Community and I'm happy to post a poll there for you and will post back the link.

We've seen many on thyroid have other autoimmune diseases .. especially those who have autoimmune Graves or Hashi's with their thyroid causing the hypothyroidism.  But not as many who have cancer or other issues with their thyroid have autoimmune disorders.  Nothing technical but wanted to share.

co cl Asthma & Thyroid
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168348 tn?1379357075
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Diagnosed moderate/severe asthma 3 years ago. Had two rounds of steroids and almost hospitalized. BTW - At this time in my life, I exercised frequently and ate healthy.


If you have asthma and ANY or ALL of these symptoms, get to an endocrinologist who knows about thyroid disease:

These symptoms slowly appeared and worsened after birthing an infant (who was also premature) and they present themselves more strongly alongside sporadic bouts of diarrhea:
Mild weight gain even while dieting
Extreme fatigue/napping
GERD/Heartburn/chest pain
Mostly constipation mixed with diarrhea
Depression/anxiety/forgetfulness/brain fog
Abdomen swells for no apparent reason
Neck/jaw pain/swelling/pressure
Scratchy voice
Migraines, dizziness and back of neck/head pain
Very cold feet and hands and sometimes a feeling like ants are biting my feet
Endometriosis (2 years ago – cured after one year of birth control)
Irregular/heavy periods and menstrual-like cramping in between periods and vaginal area sometimes is sore
Ear pressure/pain
Voice is sometimes hoarse
Knee/joint pains – finger swelling and pain
Rash or scaly skin on neck, head, chest, chin, nose, right armpit down to waist
Dry eyes and sometimes soreness
Occasionally I have a mild hot flashes or chills
Night throbbing/pounding in ears that wakes me
Toe nails feel painful and brittle
Muscles in legs sometimes go wobbly and weak when I am standing
Tingling feet/hands/lips
Body temp ranges 97-97.5
Hair clumps in shower

Thyroid ultrasound


Take care...
:) Tamra
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942934 tn?1268108382
I only have asthma, but I have lots of relatives who have asthma and a number who have asthma and hypothyroid. I'm pretty sure it's all linked somewhere's at they both are a part of the autoimmune system. One of my cousins'  has type 1 diabetes with thyroid and lately now has asthma too.
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I was diagnosed with Asthma back when I was very young and I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid just recently.  I've had symptoms of Hypo for a long time, although they got worse the last year or two.  I don't know if the two are linked but it sounds like an interesting theory.
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865758 tn?1285952904
I too have asthma and hypothyroid, Hashimoto's, as well as severe allergies which requires 9 allergy shots weekly.  My asthma has been under control or so I thought until I started having problems exhaling.  They keep telling me it's my asthma but I never had it like that before.  Luckily my IgG levels have been normal.  Which were you diagnosed with first?  For me it was asthma at age 13 and thyroid in April although it has gone undiagnosed for 5 years!!  Are you having problems?
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746512 tn?1388807580
Hmmmm I meant have to talk to my doctor, there are quite a few symptoms on there that I have ignored as being normal.  

At this moment I am trying progestin to jump start my cycles back to normal so all those symptoms with menstration are definetly me.  Stupid period I've had for 75 out of the last 90 days.  

If there is something going on with your thyroid would each test come back low/high?  I know I have had T4 done a couple times in the 5 years or so and it has always been normal.
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I have had both asthma and hypo thyroid for almost 40 years.  I noe have sky high IGe and am on Xolair.
I was just curious...
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1278891 tn?1271170832
Asthma is usually a Candida related inflammatory response. As thyroid levels decline,you are more likely to sustain an internal environment that facilitates yeast overgrowth. Supplementing with fish oil,iodine,selenium,vitamin D3 and alpha lipoic acid will help. Also,consider if you need acidophilous and hydrochloric acid. Get sugar and grains out of your diet. Usually,hypothyroidism is under-treated by endocrinologists as they tend to only follow lab values rather than clinical signs and symptoms in patients. If you stay hypothyroid,you're unlikely to control Candida overgrowth. Evaluate yourself @,
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746512 tn?1388807580
Haha ironic .... in a sick kind of way.

I didn't notice I had posted on this, but still the symptoms match .... plus found a lump in my neck last week.  Confirmed to be a thyroid nodule yesterday through ultrasound.  

Chiro was helping a lot of the mild symptoms: muscle cramps and spasms, jaw pain (TMD), neck and shoulder pain, dryness and cold tingly hands and feet.

However, most of them are bad with a venegance along with lethargic confusion almost, freezing cold flashes, weak muscles, extreme tiredness (to the point I slept 18 hours yesterday which was the minimum I could somewhat function on with finals in a week) and overall crappiness.  

Still waiting on blood work and "official" report from ultrasound so I'm not sure exactly what is going on.  But now I guess I fit into the asthma and thyroid issue group, which I'm completely NOT happy with.
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I have asthma and was recently (7 months ago) diagnosed with Hashimoto (an autoimmune disease where antibodies attack the thyroid.
An excellent place to get detailed information that helps is on the Hashimoto sites on Facebook such as "Living with Hashimoto" and "Stop The Thyroid Madness" and "Hashimoto 411" plus the forums for food allergies.  There are over 12,000 members with amazing information.   Also Dr. K's book: "Why Do I Have Thyroid Symptoms? When My Labs Are Normal" and Dr. Haskills book: "Hope for Hashimoto" is amazing.   They cover Hashimoto, Hypothyroid, Hyperthyroid, etc.  Hope this helps.
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Yes I have both...I personally think there is a link between the 2 conditions....perhaps vitamin b6 deficiency (or a genetically predisposition to need extra b6)
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It seems there may be an iodine connection according to this http://thyroid.about.com/library/derry/bl10.htm

B6 is needed to metabolism iodine as well.
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1580703 tn?1651904887
my thyroid levels are low but still in the normal range- can I safely take raw thyroid from natural sources to boost my energy level?  it has thymus tissue and adrenal tissue also
I read that if you oversupplement thyroid though you can end up with serious heart disease
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Another excellent place to get information on autoimmune diseases is the AARDA organization. American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, AARDA.
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2039621 tn?1329793497
I have both Asthma and Hypothyroid.  I was diagnosed with asthma when I was 3 years old, I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid when I was 23 although it had went undiagnosed for 5 years.  When they finally diagnosed it my TSH was 451.
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I also had asthma and hypothyroidism. I also had every single symptom that you mentioned. I've had asthma since I was a year old and was diagnosed last year with hypothyroidism. However I have never been to an endocrinologist but after reading what you just wrote I think maybe I should thanks for posting!
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