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newly diagnosed asthma problems

So i just recently started on asthma, my doctor said to take 2 puffss in the morning and 2 in the evening, well i took some and it made my breathing feel worse so i kinda lowered my dose, but i couldn't breath well today, and i had tightness in my chest, mainly my lower chest, so i took 2 puffs, and my cheeks felt all tingly and i my chest is still tight and still feels like ****. So my doctor says it could be anxiety too but i know i don't have anxiety, this had been going on for more then 5 months, and it just gets worth, and im not really shure if its asthma, but should i be worried about the tingling in my cheeks? and has anyone else experienced a tightness in the lower chest, and you cant get that full breath, im freaked out.
6 Responses
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1548028 tn?1324612446
Is your doctor an asthma/allergy specialist or pulmonologist?  They would have done many different test to diagnose asthma.
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520191 tn?1355635402
Hi this is probably not what you want to hear but the only time i have even had tingling in my cheeks and face was when i had chronic hyperventilating which the doctors put down to anxiety, though i was in hospital for asthma. so i think they can co-exist. It also causes tightness of chest and feels like you can't breath. it might be good to get a second opinion to make sure.

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I am sorry you are having problems. What is your med, you might be allergic to it. You can go to drugs.com and search your med to find the symptoms of an allergic reaction. I also agree with ku11 if your doctor is not an allergist/immunologist or a pulmonologist I suggest you find one.

I hope this helps,

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But how do you get a second opinion about anxiety if you don't think you have it, like how could you know you have it, and now i'm scared i have chronic hyperventilating, how can i fix that i just want to breath good again.
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Have you had your thyroid checked. What could be masking as "anxiety" could be a thryoid issue. You might also want to look at getting your vit d and b12 checked. When mine and my sister's asthma was bad was when our vit d levels were low. You want them near 50. The labs says in range at 32 but most medical professionals I know, like the level around 50. I have to take 4000iu/day to keep near 50. Plus if you are interested in looking at the thyroid issue more. I recommend getting a hold of "The Thyroid Solution." It is by an endocrinologist who specializes in treating the thyroid.n It is is easy to read and has a great index. If interested in the book here is the address:

I hope you get your answers,
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520191 tn?1355635402
Hey i didn't mean to make you more worried.
Hyperventilation is relatively easy to fix, breath into a paper bag, untill you are breathing in and out slowly ( for 5 minutes)

Here are some links which will help with how to know if it is anxiety: and see if you think you have it.

If you do think you might have anxiety, asthma or hyperventilation - talk to your doctor about why you think you have it and see what they can do in the process of treatment.

Take a moment for yourself and enjoy it.
Good Luck
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