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asthma flare up due to throat infection and recent stress

currently in a bad asthma escallation due to throat infection, oxygen saturation level was 36% as I had been coughing for over 4 hours, pulse was 97,peak flow was 200, should I be worried. Taken at surgery on 2 successive days as emergency when doc had to treat me before others, been in daily since. on nebuliser 4 times a day, steroids (8 daily) steroid inhaler and prevention inhaler and antibiotics
3 Responses
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520191 tn?1355635402
Yes i would be worried about your oxygen saturation levels!  anywhere under 90% is bad i believe. i would say you need extra oxygen so maybe go to the ER and get some help.

Good Luck
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746512 tn?1388807580
I think your oxygen saturation is wrong (that low and you would be unconsious).  Still with a low peak flow like that you defintely need the ER.

Feel better soon!
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hi tammy, defo was 36% as taken by doc in surgery tues morn again when taken as emergency again  pulse was 97 and resps higher than usual, was told if nebuliser did not help would be hospitalised.
now on steroids,anti-biotics,brown and blue inhaler and got nebuliser home with me, not to mention paracetamol for the headaches.
after treatment with nebuliser in surgery saturation levels raised a bit and peak flow went up to 250 and pulse dropped to 83, got a real scare. non smoker, all my life, but recently had a lot of stress as 4 deaths in family over last year and then my dog was put to sleep. too much I think. but now starting to feel a wee bit alive again. Thanks for replying and the advice, never had it as bad before.
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