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I don't understand...

When I was a child I could not be tickled. If tickled I would constantly jump up and down gasping for air over and over. My mother never took me to the doctor about it. I still cannot be tickled. A few years ago I mentioned a few issues to my doctor and I was diagnosed with asthma. Recently, I cough a lot, yawn a lot...when I talk too much I get short of breath. Throughout the day I catch myself holding my breath I guess or just not breathing. Also, sometimes in the middle of the night I wake up not breathing and gasping for air. Right now, I have a crazy cough that sounds very dry but I can feel the phlegm and in the mornings it's kind of uncontrollable. But the "deep" part of the cough is whooping. I'm not sure what all of these things and doctors don't normally give your situation the time of day to be fully researched. (strangest thing is...sometimes when I cough, the air tastes like blood but the phlegm is yellow or brown)
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Ah! Thank you. Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to say it. I will try your advice. My brothers were awful. I'm surprised I didn't die as a child from them tickling me on purpose to watch me struggle to breathe. Boys...
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1340994 tn?1374193977
OOOOH.  You were ticklish, but it caused your diaphragm to spasm so you could not breathe, so it was a bad idea to tickle you.  That was really hard to follow.  I doubt it has anything to do with asthma.  

It sounds like you have asthma or bronchitis.  Stop dairy for 3 weeks and see if it improves.  
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I guess im just wondering, does everything I describe sound like asthma? I don't really wheeze where you can hear it and on youtube I saw several respiratory problems.The tickling...im wondering why I cant breathe if im tickled....is that asthma? One time I googled and saw "laughter induced asthma" is that real?
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4548110 tn?1362307394
I don't really understand the first part about being tickled..
Anyways, the phlegm being yellow is normal. It's how it's supposed to "come out" when coughing, so I wouldn't worry about it now. I don't think it has anything to do with your asthma, but it's best to consult your doctor.
I actually have the same thing right now, I've had it for a week or so, and it's getting better over time.
Now, what I would recommend is: drink hot beverages, such as: warm milk, tea, even warmed up juice. Make sure it's warm, whatever you're drinking. This, so far, is helping me.
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