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How is it possible that when i am having a serious asthma attack, my oxygen measurement is excellent?
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I have this happen too and I glad to hear that it can happen because when I go to the ER for a bad asthma attack they say you are not because your oxygen is fine
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242588 tn?1224271700
Because asthma is a disease of the airways, not of that part of the lungs where gas exchange occurs, oxygen-in and carbon dioxide-out.  Normal, young lungs can usually extract enough oxygen from the inhaled air, even when the obstruction to airflow is marked.  A fall in blood oxygen, during an asthma attack is a serious medical emergency and may necessitate mechanically assisted ventilation.

Thus, the fact that your oxygen measurement "is excellent" is a good sign.  Given that, one should not interpret a normal value as a sign that the asthma attack is not severe.
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