1806609 tn?1374545828

cant breat,rapid heart beat

why do i have shortness of breath and rapid heart beat after i walk up my stairs?
3 Responses
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The breathlessness and rapid heartbeat on exertion could be due to cardiac or lung disorders. In cardiac disorders the heart is unable to pump the blood adequately, more so when subjected to stress like exercise. Lung disorders cause inadequate oxygenation. Certain systemic disorders like anemia, diabetes, vitamin deficiencies and thyroid disorders can cause these symptoms. So please consult your primary care physician who may ask for an EKG or a treadmill test to rule out a cardiac cause for the symptoms. He may even ask for blood tests and an X ray chest. Lung function tests could further help in evaluation.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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144586 tn?1284666164
The fast heart rate (tachycardia) is compensatory. Within the carotid arteries are two sensors that detect oxygen levels and carbon dioxide levels. When exercising (walking stairs), the metabolic requirements (and oxygen requirements) increase. This causes a reduction in the level of oxygen in the blood, which causes the carotid sensors to signal the atria (pacemaker site) to speed up the heart.

Usually there are co-factors, particuliarly asthma, COPD or cardiac insufficiency.

It is best you get a thorough check-up to determine if you have a problem with your heart, or asthma. A differential diagnosis is necessary. Sometimes there are componants of both.

Stress tests as well as ultrasound is sometimes used to determine if there is a cardiac componant The strees test may involve a treadmill or they may inject a stimulant into the bloodstream while you remain stationary. The technician monitors the EKG to look for ST depression, as well as monitoring the 02 level with a fingernail monitor which may suggest the heart muscle is not geting enough oxygen.,
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144586 tn?1284666164
Do not assume you have a heart-related problem. The ability of the blood cells (erythrocytes) to transport oxygen come into play. You need to have a hematocrit taken to determine the number of red blood cells available. Normal for a male is 46. Females run slightly lower. A low hematocrit can be caused by iron deficiency anemia, however that are various other anemias and disorders that cause production of erythrocytes to decline. As ocasional cause of the problem are, curiously hemorrhoids. One time in an ER a patient in their twenties came in with difficulty breathing upon exertion and tachycardia and their hematocrit was down to 17, due to hemorhoids. Upon resolution of the hemorrhoids, and a transfusion, the difficulty breathing ended. The point is that you really require a thorough evaluation, ideally at a teaching hospital.
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