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If I take my ventalin I usually stop coughing, but if I have stuff that needs to come out, it does so easier, but then I feel so dizzy. I don't feel dizzy when I haven't taken the ventalin. Is it because I'm coughing more effeciently? Or ? Is this okay and/or common?  I feel dizzy to the point of thinking I'm going to black out. Let me clairfy. If I take  the ventalin and don't cough anymore I'm fine. Its the coughing after the blue inhaler that makes me feel awful.
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The medicine in Ventalin is a stimulent.  It can raise your heart rate and blood presure which could be causing your dizziness after you take it.  Maybe it is a combination of the Ventalin and the cough that does it.  How forcably are you coughing?  I can get a little dizzy sometimes if I am coughing very hard to get something out.  You should discus this with your dr and maybe try to sit and rest for a few minutes after you take it.

Take care.
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168348 tn?1379357075

I get the same side effect, but you can ck. with your Dr. to be sure.  Sometimes, a little reduction in dosing is helpful, but you must ck with your Dr. first before trying that :)

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