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doctor suspect i was about to get asthma while i was a baby, maybe its asthma now?

im pregnant and i have anxiety disorder, but lately it feels a burning sensation through my windpipe, towards my lungs. im currently facing life problems and im really stressed out. and sometimes i get shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing it feels like i need to force to breath. sometimes even when i take a deep breath, i feel sharp pain or the amount of air i take in is much more lesser than normal ppl. is all this normal? maybe just stress?
2 Responses
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It could possibly be asthma but it honestly sounds more like anxiety. I dealt with that when I was a teen and it is scary. If you can, I would suggest talking to your dr.
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746512 tn?1388807580
Asthma almost always causes a problem with exhaling, not inhaling.  We can breathe in fine but have problems breathing out.  There are other causes of problems breathing in and yes the main one is anxiety. However with the burning sensation I'm wondering if you have a bit of acid reflex that can trigger tightness in the lungs through nerve irritation or even aspiration of the acid directly into the lungs.

Anyway it is worthy of a doctor visit.  Good luck and please ask any other questions you have
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