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Children and Asthms

my son has had asthma since he was 10months old and I was wanting to know is can a child grow out of it
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Hi, I was told by my GP that most children outgrow asthma.  The milder it is the more chance they have of outgrowing it.  Hope that helps
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My doctor said that it can be outgrown and you have a better chance of out growing it the earlier you are diagnosed. Also maintaining it really well can make it seem like the child is grown out of it. My daughter had moderate asthma and now we hardly notice she ever had it, because I did EVERYTHING my doctor told me and changed several things about my own life. Most asthma is caused by allergies and my daughter is allergic to Dogs, Cats and dust. So severely that if she is around any of those things she can have an asthma attack. We have NO animals, nor is she allowed to be around animals (which makes waves in our family), I have special air filters in the house, several encasement for bedding and pillows and she is not allowed to go to any daycare etc...with animals. She is now 5 and was diagnosed at 3.
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I was told that if you are born with it, you can outgrow it, but if you get it later in life, you may not.  I don't know how accurate this info is though.

If you want to go the natural route, eat fresh PINEAPPLE (bromalain) and Watermelon (Antioxidants).  It works for me better than any meds!
If you have a Health Food Store:
Lobelia for the asthma to clear out the inflammation in the body that causes asthma.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The number of children having asthmatic attacks is on the increase now. The goal of therapy must be to keep the child symptom free even during exercise. The child must carry on all normal activities and physical activity will increase her appetite and in turn, her weight. The good news is that children who develop it early, outgrow the problem early too. Approximately 50 percent of children with asthma appear to outgrow asthma when they reach adolescence.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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