392548 tn?1216610779

itchy feeling and cough???

hi, i am a 16 yr old female and i swim for half the year and play water polo for half the year so im it relativly good shape...my asthma usually flairs up around once every two weeks during practice but its usually only bad once a year. i take albuturol (i cant sp it) and it usually goes away...

well lately i have been waking up with a mild cough and almost like an itchy feeling inside my chest (it feels like its on my lungs) about once a month. it doesnt go away unless i take a couple puffs of my inhaler...but when i do it will go away in about 10 minutes...

so i was wondering if anybody gets this or knows why i would wake up with my asthma bothering me(yes it has woken me up but it didnt before this started)

52 Responses
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1151115 tn?1261970404
I have had asthma all my life. But just recently, in the last 2 months have begun experiencing this CRAZY itching in my back and....my jaw bone!!! Tonight, I felt it in my chest and my left shoulder as well. I was coughing uncontrollably and my chest was tightening. I used my emergency inhaler, and voila'...its subsided. I had NO idea that asthma and this deep itchy feeling was related until I just went looking. Thanks guys!!
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942934 tn?1268108382
Advair 500 is associated with some side effects when taken on a long term basis. Lower doses of it however pose absolutely no problems. Just remember to rinse your mouth out after each inhalation (for thrush), as some people are sensitive that way.

Your doctor has probably prescribed this for the short term till your symptoms clear up. The H1N1 virus is rather nasty and tends to go deep into the lungs causing a lot of disruption to the airways, so it is probably a good idea to assist your lungs in healing up, which may take a number of weeks.

You don't mention if you have asthma? If you don't then once you're better you won't have to continue taking the inhaler. If you do have asthma you should follow up with your doctor to ensure you have good control of it.
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I have itchy lungs as well which started about four weeks after contracting H1N1 virus.  I am also producing excess mucus which is hard to get up.  I called my Doctor and he prescribed Advair. I am afraid to take it due to some of the listed side effects.  Has anybody any opinion on Advair and does it relieve itchy lungs and slow down mucus production?
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1084197 tn?1258493890
To everyone:

Yup....I am feeling you all....itchy lungs....how freakin' wonderful is this?   Most uncomfortable feeling I have ever experienced.  You do, you feel like you just want to take a metal hanger to your lungs they itch so bad!!!  Well, like most of you, I also got really sick, and have been having problems ever since.  I am seeing an allergist today and a pulmonologist in December.  I can't wait to find out what this is.  Most likely asthma, induced by pollutants and such.  I do have it undercontrol now.  I am off the Advair!!!!  I have replace it with Mullein herb caplets.  I love it.  I feel much better since I have been taking this and mucenex.  The expectorants help me a lot more although I always carry my emergency inhaler where ever I go.  I hope that we all getting to feeling better........it really ***** to feel ill, you know?!  
Everyone feel better soon :)
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I also have the Itchy feeling in my chest, Ive never been diagnosed with asthma, or anything simaller.

I do how ever smoke ciggies/weed, And have a cat that lives in the house.

I seem to KEEP getting sick at the moment, Maybe my immune system is down, due to me losing weight(21kilos alone in the past 3 months) and not eating alot???

I seem to get "better" for a bit, then I will get a sore throat or a cough and it all comes rushing back!

Im sure my best bet is go to the doctors,(wich I will next week) Its just driving me crazy.

Im thinking that I really should be giving up smoking all together (both)

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Wow!  Itchy lungs...I have them and have had them since I was diagnosed with pneumonia last Tuesday!  It's now been 10 days since it all started!  My clue that I need to use my inhaler is that my upper back itches.  I've talked to a nurse about this and she said that it made sense because the lungs are back there, they are irritated and I'm just aware of it!  It goes away once I've used my inhaler...but this time with the pneumonia....this is a whole other thing entirely...I woke up last Monday with a very strange feeling in my lungs...4 years ago I had empyma and ended up with lung surgery on my left lungh...it was awful...and by the way, I was diagnosed with asthma when I was one.  Anyway, this feeling in my lungs was different than the one in my back...I immediately used my inhaler to see if that would help, but it didn't...then when I tell the respitory therapist at the hospital that my lungs were itchy...she thought I was nuts.  Of course telling me she had never heard of that before.  Then yesterday at work...I couldn't tolerate the feeling anymore.  It feels like I'd like to remove my lungs from my chest and use my nails to scratch them...I know it's my lungs because after having the lung surgery I can feel my left lung at all times.  It's a very strange sensation.

So, today I went to the dr for a follow up and we decided to put me on a steroid inhaler at night for 2 weeks to see if that will help with the itchiness.  I can't stand it and it's driving me absolutely nuts!!!  I'm so glad to know there are others that have Itchy lungs....by the way, I don't smoke, I do have 2 cats, but they don't make me sneeze and I bathe them all the time :)
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